Weekend or Weekday Sessions? 

When scheduling a session, a lot of thought can go into it especially with families. What time of day is best for naps or in between meal schedules? Is my child a morning or evening person? What day do we not have any activities and the adults are off from work? Between schedules or the child's best time of day, it’s what goes into it. Now for the debate weekend or weekday sessions? Most choose weekends because they’re off from work or might have a little less going on those days. But let me tell you why weekdays aren’t so bad after all. 

Weekends aren’t taken up. 

We all look forward to the weekends. To usually relax or do fun things. If you’re booking your session on the weekend then you’re taking up that valuable weekend time that we all love. Leaving them free to do whatever you want. 

Less crowded or no events at locations. 

Most people book their session on the weekends. So locations for sessions can have more people there especially during the busy months. There might even be an event going on. 

Honestly, I don’t know of a location I’ve shot at that hasn’t had an event there every once and while. So booking on the weekdays will definitely cut down on the chances of there being one. Then if you’re wanting a certain venue location. They will almost always have more availability giving you the space you want for your session. 

More Availability from Photographers. 

Say you’ve been eyeing someone’s work for a long time and you absolutely love it. Photographers are usually booked up on the weekends with sessions or even their own activities sometimes. Booking on a weekday gives a chance for more availability for them to get you in their busy schedules and getting you in with your ideal photographer. 

So next time when you're considering scheduling your next session, take a look at weekdays as dates if you're available. They might not be so bad.