Mini Sessions 

Looking for a shorter session to get your updated family story captured or a seasonal storytelling session for your unforgettable holiday memories? Then mini sessions might be what you're looking for. What are mini sessions? Mini sessions can be done in so many different ways. They are sometimes shorter non themed sessions or themed/holiday sessions at shorter session times. They are sometimes held local to your community or even at special locations/venues. Usually mini sessions are held on limited days/times. All photographers run these differently and all can get pretty creative on how they offer their mini sessions. 

Who are Minis for? 

Really anyone depending on what the photographer is offering. While some minis might be neutral some are themed for that season. They are perfect if you’re wanting to get those seasonal memories captured with props, special guests or special locations/venues included in those. Some venues/locations only offer session availability during certain times of the year or have amazing seasonal looks (Ex. Christmas Tree Farms or the parkway during the fall for those amazing fall colors). Amazing for anyone looking for those seasonal locations. Minis can also be amazing for anyone that is looking for their forever photographer or testing out different ones. You can see how they work without getting a full session. Some of my clients that have been with me since the very beginning came from some of my first mini sessions. Just a quick add, if you see clients jumping from mini to mini. Please don’t let that put you down. I know some people that support multiple photographers or look at different sets. Don’t let that discourage you, keep working hard and always improving. These are also for clients that prefer shorter session times. I know some families where they feel that their children do the best in the first 15 minutes of any session type or have people involved that do not prefer photo sessions but don’t mind shorter sessions. If you are these people, then minis are definitely for you. 

These aren’t for Everyone

With anything, minis are not for everyone and that is okay. Whether it’s because you're not into props/themed sessions or you’d prefer longer sessions or would like multiple family members/extended family involved in one session. That’s okay. These are shorter, sometimes themed sessions with props. You choose what session type works best for you to have the best experience possible with capturing your memories. 

Let your Creativity Shine

These themed/mini sessions can really allow your creativity to shine bright. As photographers, we love being creative. This gives us the opportunity to do so. Whether it be with sets with props or special locations/venues. As a family photographer, I offer more family or kid based minis. This goes with my niche. So if you niche in couples photography, then offer a special couples set up or location. If you niche in newborn photography, I’ve known some to do mini sessions with newborn sessions. You can really do whatever you’d like. Photography social media pages plus Pintrest is a great way to get the creativity going. You can even get into trends going on with minis. I remember last year, the floating flowers were trending or the ghost sessions for halloween. These can really be a hit. Really do whatever you’d like, be unique and have fun! 

Understanding Pricing and Expenses for Minis 

Minis can be expensive to put on. So price them right. After looking at time spent looking for special props/locations/guests/venues, time preparing clients, marketing, paying for technology to make these easier, paying for special venues/guests/props/travel time, setting up, time shooting the sessions, editing the sessions, etc. You might not be making a ton if not priced right. Sometimes I think after that some of us still don’t make that much after looking over all those things. Definitely evaluate all of these factors. I even know some photographers that don’t offer these and that’s okay. They can be stressful but fun to host at the same time. Please don’t undercharge for these sessions after evaluating all these. While these can be fantastic and great for getting your name out there, you still need to pay yourself and for all the things that go into these. 

Ways to Improve your Minis/Themed Sessions 

Making these much easier can make your life easier with these. Research and plan what you’re thinking about. Write down all your expenses to price these right. Set image limits with these, they are “mini” sessions. Don’t overwork and give full regular session albums. Make booking easy and organized. For booking, I use usession. It allows clients to sign up for the available times listed, have their contract ready and pay all in one place. I also deliver my clients memories in an online gallery through email. This also takes their email addresses. Now I have a way to communicate, prepare for their session and send over their final album. Deliver everyone's memories in a timely manner. Plan session dates that work with the holiday that they are serving (Ex. Christmas cards, in time for the actual holiday date or during the season they serve) based on your turnaround time. Setting image limits will help with this. Quick tip: deliver 5 additional images than what’s promised but no more to really knock it out of the park but still have boundaries. Have a contract with these. Please do not go into these without one. This was one of my biggest mistakes and something I wish I would have done sooner (this will be a separate blog). Advertise in advance and hype these up. Makes for better booking when these are dropped. Try to set up and take your own images. This really helps your clients see what you're offering and you’re showing your work. I understand that this is not always possible but definitely try to. Limit times and days offered. This is especially if you’re doing these outdoors. Only shoot during prime lighting for outdoor or natural light studios if using one. This will really improve not only your final images delivered but easier editing too. Have a rain date or back up plan for bad weather for outdoor minis. This is where limiting times/days comes in handy. Communicate and have a rain date set when releasing the mini 1st thing to make this easier. That way clients are completely aware of this. Have all your documents for client prep premade. (Contracts, client style guide, experience guides, information for afterwards, etc) Having all this prepped will make for not only a better client experience but make your life easier too. Especially since you are working with multiple clients all at one time. This year, I have also started having FAQs with all my mini sessions (I will make a separate blog for this one). This has been a hit and clients are loving this. Giving them the information needed for booking or prep if booked. I have these listed on my website plus social media pages. This might be an unpopular one but no exchanges of balances, transfer balances to other minis or credits with minis. Have this in your contract. Why? Because all minis have different expenses that need to be paid whether the client comes or not. Those balances paid are for those mini expenses and time spent. Also if the client cancels or is unable to come for the session close to the session date, it might not be able to be filled losing a spot that could have been filled. Huge disclaimer too, I am a mom and I know things happen. Whether sickness, schedule mishaps, boo boos, outfit disasters, just not having it that day, etc. But also as a business owner with a family, you have to have this in place because you can’t lose income that supports your family. This one is hard, I know. There are a ton of blog topics in just this one topic. I will be making those over the next couple of weeks, doing more of a deep dive into these. 

Minis are supposed to be fun, let your creativity shine, meet new potential forever clients or recurring forever clients. Don’t let your minis be stressful. Prep everything. Let your passion for your art form shine. Let your next mini session be a success! 

More blogs to come on a lot of these topics 🤍