Every Experience is Different 

If you’ve noticed, as you read my blogs there are disclaimers in them or I put that these are my opinions or based on my personal experiences. I started this blog for other photographers to have a place to relate to and learn from. For my clients to get to know me, learn how I run things, view my work in a different way, etc. Also for moms that own/run small businesses to have to relate to. These are based on my experiences in running my business. I am also here to be transparent about mistakes I have made in my business and show you how I have learned from them to try to prevent others from making them. How I run my business is based on my lifestyle, goals I have for myself, client experience, based on mistakes that I have made into improvements, personal experiences, etc. Everyones will be different. Some topics are opinion based. If you run your business differently from mine or have a difference in opinions than that’s okay. Run your business how you want to and what works best for your life. 

We are here to support small businesses and even other photographers in their journey. I love community over competition. I can’t wait to see where this blog goes ❤️